The U.S. Small Business Administration defines a "small" business as anything from 1 to 500 employees. But an organization with 500 people functions quite differently from one with 15 or fewer—which are better described as "micro-organizations" (MOs). MOs make up an estimated 90% or more of all U.S. businesses and non-profits.
MOs face unique leadership challenges since they characteristically have limited resources of time, money and people. Many have an owner or leader participating in the work alongside everyone else in addition to trying to run the organization. Consequently, leaders of MOs are often too busy getting the work done to think much about how to improve their own performance as a leader. And even if they were interested in growing as a leader, not many leadership programs understand MOs' unique circumstances and constraints.
This program was designed for leaders of MOs who don't have time to wade through reams of information or compare leadership models trying to find something that helps; who need something simple and practical—basic enough to be useful from day one, but also robust enough to serve as their MO grows. It's purpose is to lay a solid foundation that can be built upon by leaders who want to grow, while giving them a compass to find their way today.
You Don't Have Time to Waste
This self-guided 66-page workbook provides concise, practical tools to improve your leadership, and your organization, by focusing on three simple actions: